Dong Jae Kim

These are projects that I hosted on github pages to showcase my work. One that goes by “Lab” at the end are for my freelance work.

Botelho Lab

BotelhoLab is a research website I built for professor Roberto Botelho organelle research group at Ryerson University, Toronto.

It's built with HTML, CSS, Jquery. It's also fully responsive, using desktop approach and supports cross browser compatibility


Antonescu Lab

AntonescuLab is a research website I built for professor Costin Antonescu's cell surface biology group at Ryerson University, Toronto.

It's built with HTML, CSS, Jquery. It's also fully responsive, using desktop approach and supports cross browser compatibility


Wakarchuk Lab


Budget App

This app allows you to calculate your budget.

I followed a course on Udemy. It is implemented using MVC framework withh dynamic DOM manipulation, prototypical inheritance and adding event listener for dynamically added DOM.



This is a landing page for passionate tennis players who are willing travel the world to play tennis. I was following a course on Udemy to learn SASS.

This is a pure CSS3 driven website. For full experience of the website, Google Chrome is suggested as some features not being supported.


This is my personal website, consisting of all the projects I have done